
Level 2 Agriculture/Horticulture

Course Description

This is a practical course focussing on planting and cultivating crops (vegetables, herbs and other plants). The class is combined (Level 1 and 2 together) and students work across 2 years to complete the New Zealand National Certificate in Horticulture (Level 2).




L1 Literacy


L1 Numeracy

UE Reading

UE Writing


Prerequisites: A willingness to get into the garden (60% of the course is practical)

What pathways does this subject lead to: Graduates of this programme will have the skills and knowledge to obtain entry level roles in the primary industry, for example orchard worker, relief milker, assistant gardener, general farm hand, etc.

Subject Specific Requirements: Nil

Key Skills gained: This course mainly focuses on developing your understanding of the interconnectedness between people, soils, water, climate, plants, and animals.

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