
Level 2 Tourism

Course Description

Teacher to contact with questions: Mrs S. Curphey.

Embark on an exciting journey with our Vocational Tourism course, designed to expand your horizons in the dynamic tourism industry and global destinations. Discover the beauty of Aotearoa's key places while grasping industry insights and job expectations. Experience the freedom to progress at your pace, as this course is based on Unit Standards. Get ready to unlock a world of opportunities and create unforgettable memories in the realm of Tourism. Join us and let your wanderlust soar!




L1 Literacy

L1 Numeracy

UE Reading

UE Writing


Prerequisites: Nil

What pathways does this subject lead to: Tourism, Public Service, Retail, Hospitality, Adventure Tourism, Transportation, Communications

Subject Specific Requirements: Nil

Key Skills gained: Communication skills, work readiness, employment skills